PA hmmm nice.
PA you have crazy router on the site.
Én we know :-)
PA how do you feed it ?? with heroin :O)
Én :-)
PA yes
PA its realy strang
Én let's burn it :-) 
PA its looks router reboot again.
Én :-(
PA hmmm interesting but at mornig there was in sh tech 1 hour uptime.
PA this is totaly crazy.
PA please do sh tech again
PA thanks.
Én ok
Én and let me know, when i should kick it :-)
PA :O)




Én IOS can't load again.
PS hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
PS cool
Én should i upload IOS again to the router?
PS yes you have any error message that is there right now?
Én just the same as yesterday
PS loadprog: bad file magic number: 0x0 
 boot: cannot load "flash:"
PS hm
Én yes
PS do you remember how to upload the IOS?
Én yes, i'll do it
PS ok
PS thank you very much
Én it's pingable now
PS ha
PS its up
PS cool
PS perfectr
Én :-)
PS let me take a look
PS I will try to reboot it after 5 minutes.....this router is really strange
Én ok
PS are you still on the console?....let me reboot it and you will watch the console ok?....
Én ok, you can reboot it in 30 sec-s, i'll go there
PS ok
Én same shit :-)
PS ble
PS this is a perfect situation where we can show that something is bad with the does not load image from flash....





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